Legal Notices


Küchler Transporte GmbH
Himmelgeister Straße 100
40225 Düsseldorf

Ph: ++49 211 334433
Fax: ++49 211 3190443


Managing Director (CEO)

Thomas Beier

Commercial Register: Local Court Duesseldorf, HRB 15071
VAT identification no.: DE119431121

Content-Related Persons in Charge after German Law

Thomas Beier

Concept, Text and Design:

Küchler Transporte GmbH


Every content, image, graphic, download, etc., in particular data and databases of the internet presence of KÜCHLER Transporte GmbH is legally protected by copyright law. Processing or copying is only permitted if it is necessary for accessing databases or to make normal use thereof. With the exception of downloads which are used for their personal use in the original version only, any other use, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of KÜCHLER Transporte GmbH or the copyright holder, are civil and criminal proceedings of the provisions of the copyright law and lead to liability for damages.